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My analog camera shows Black and White display only

There are generally 3 different possibilities when this occurs: First, please check the camera is in your local video format. For example, if you live in U.S.A, your local video format must be NTSC, then if you have accidentally switched the video format to PAL, the camera will display B/W image only. This may also happen […]

Why does the browser interface show Chinese characters or question mark ?

Applicable for Sunba non-auto tracking models such as 601-D20X, 805-D20XB/XA and 507-20XA/XB or NVR/DVR etc. First, Sunba camera does not have a Chinese or English firmware. The firmware is globally common. For example, you can use Spanish to log in the camera in USA and your friend can use Russian to log in the camera from another side […]

Why only half 1/2 of the IR LEDs are on? Is my camera defective?

The short answer is, the camera isn’t defective and what you see is normal. And below is why: Sunba IR lights work in a same way as vehicle lights; you only need low beam to view nearby objects, when your camera isn’t zoomed in. Thus, if your IR is in “AUTO” mode (this should be […]

How to turn off the infrared completely at night?

If you want to turn off the IR permanently, you need to ensure the threshold to turn on the infrared will NEVER be reached. First, you need to go to the OSD menu of the camera by using preset 95 + call. Here is a video that tells you how to do that:       Now […]

Is there an additional dome cover for the camera?

Please note if the camera is infrared, then it is unable to put a plastic cover on it because it will interfere with the infrared lights coming through. You will need to use infrared transmissible materials to make such a cover. However, that will result in additional expenses.That’s why infrared cameras are usually not covered. […]

Sunba Analog Cameras: Underpower Issue

Different from bullet cameras and IP cameras, analog dome cameras have higher power requirements, especially when the infrared lights (night vision mode) are on.    The camera may behave reckless if it does not receive enough power at night. So in the daytime the camera may work fine; at night time, however, the camera requires a […]

How to upgrade the firmware for my Sunba Eco Series IP Camera?

  FIRMWARE UPDATE PRECAUTIONS 1.Though upgrading firmware is a regular routine, there is always a certain level of risks associated with the upgrade that in worst case could cripple the Sunba IP camera. Therefore, if you are satisfied with the current performance of the camera, it is not required for you to perform the upgrade. […]

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