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What is the RTSP stream URL for Sunba IP cameras?

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The fundamental format of Sunba RTSP url is below:

For SUNBA Lite Series camera:

rtsp://IP:554/user={put your username here}&password={put your password here}&channel=1&stream=0.sdp?real_stream

For example with the default network setting (RTSP port 554), username and password, the camera’s RTPS url would be as follows:


For SUNBA Performance Series camera:

Corresponding to main stream/sub stream/three stream respectively;

For example:
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/media/video1, it means the main stream;
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/media/video2, indicating sub-stream;
rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/media/video3, which means third stream;

For SUNBA Illuminati, please use the following url:


Below is an example of an IP camera with H.264, an IP of and the default username and password.

rtsp://admin:[email protected]:554/h264/ch1/main/av_stream

where 554 is the default RTSP port h264 is the encoding format, and can be replaced by h265 or mpeg4

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